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Is a point inside a triangle?

14 Sep 2023

How to calculate if a point is inside a triangle?

Triangle ABC

So let’s say you have an ABC triangle with the following vertices:

  • A (Xa, Ya)
  • B (Xb, Yb)
  • C (Xc, Yc)

And you have a point in the coordinate:

  • P (Xp, Yp)

To verify if P is inside ABC you will need to:

  1. Calculate the area of the ABC triangle.
  2. Create 3 other triangles between each side of the ABC triangle with the point P. Example:
    • PAB
    • PAC
    • PBC

Triangle PAB, PAC, PBC

  1. Calculate the area of each one.
  2. If the sum of the area of the 3 triangles created from the sides of ABC and the point P are equal the area of ABC, then P is inside ABC.

Calculating the area of ABC

The famous formula A = (b * h) / 2 is used in plane geometry to calculate the area of a triangle. But today we are going to use the analytical geometry way to achive the same goal.

In analytical geometry the formula to calculate the area of a triangle is A = 1/2 * |D| D

Let’s calculate the matrix’s determinant and area in code!

//a vector to represent the points
typedef struct s_vector {
	double	x;
	double	y;
}	t_vector;

//simple triangle class with 3 points A, B and C. And some methods
class Triangle {
		Triangle(Triangle const & rhs); //copy constructor
		t_vector	A;
		t_vector	B;
		t_vector	C;

		double calc_determinant(void) const;
		double calc_area(void) const;

Triangle::Triangle(Triangle const & rhs) : A(rhs.A), B(rhs.B), C(rhs.C) {} //copy constructor defined

double Triangle::calc_determinant(void) const {
	double	part1;
	double	part2;

	part1 = (this->C.x * this->B.y) + (this->C.y * this->A.x) + (this->B.x * this->A.y);
	part2 = (this->A.x * this->B.y) + (this->A.y * C.x) + (this->B.x * this->C.y);
	return (part1 - part2);

double Triangle::calc_area(void) const {
	double	area;
	double	determinant;

	determinant = this->calc_determinant();
	if (determinant < 0)
		determinant *= -1;
	area = 0.5 * determinant;
	return (area);

Creating the new triangles from a point

Just take the triangle and replace one of it’s vectors with the point you want to test against it. Then call the calc_area method and store it. Do this for each point of the triangle and you will have the 3 areas of PBA, PBC, PCA. Then sum them and compares with the ABC area.

Let’s get to the code:

bool	is_point_inside_triangle(t_vector P, Triangle & triangle) {
	//using copy constructor to copy triangle to aux_triangle
	Triangle	aux_triangle(triangle);
	double	PAB_area;
	double	PAC_area;
	double	PBC_area;
	double	p_sum;

	aux_triangle.C = P; //replace C from ABC triangle with point P, so it will become PAB.
	PAB_area = aux_triangle.calc_area(); //calculate and sabe the area of PAB.
	aux_triangle.C = t.C; //put the original value of C back.

	aux_triangle.B = P;
	PAC_area = aux_triangle.calc_area();
	aux_triangle.B = t.B;

	aux_triangle.A = P;
	PBC_area = aux_triangle.calc_area();
	aux_triangle.A = t.A;

	p_sum = PAB_area + PAC_area + PBC_area; //get the sum of all three
	return (p_sum == triangle.calc_area());


Now we have a function that creates 3 triangles using ABC and P and returns a boolean to see if P is located inside ABC or not. Mission completed!

But a float value can’t be trusted enough to be used against an equality operator, that’s because it lacks precision. To overcome this problem we can set an epsilon, a small value of tolerance and verify if the diference between the values is smaller than the epsilon. But this opens doors for errors as well. Maybe we need a fixed floating-point value.

In this post I did use a double type for operations, but there’s a version in my github using a fixed floating-point, if interested this is the: directory of the project on github